Grant Proposal Components

Grant proposal is a formal document written and submitted to government or entity that offering a grant program. It is a written request for monetary assistance in the form of a grant.

Some corporations, foundations and government agencies give out of billion of dollars in grants to companies. It is important to have a valuable skill to write good grant proposals. The following are components to have a good grant proposal.

  • Abstract. Brief summary which clearly describe the proposed project.
  • Need Statement or opportunity. Define the current situation that your project will address. Focus on the problem and make the problem fixable with the grant money and the problem must be significant to warrant funding.
  • Project Description. Describe the project and explain how to solve the problem. Convince the reader that the project is the best way to solve the problem.
  • Goals and Objectives. Identify the things want to accomplish and things to achieve.  It must be specific.
  • Project Activities. Provide timetable that shows the activities to carry out the project.
  • Evaluation. Describe how the project being monitored and the result will be evaluated. Includes the criteria how the project is being evaluated and the persons who conduct the evaluation.
  • Organization information. Sometime it is necessary to include the outline of the organization including its history, accomplishments, and qualifications of key people and so on.
  • Budget. Clearly identify how the money will be spent in the project. Provide detailed expenses for the project.

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