One of the important steps in business development is a feasibility study. Feasibility study is used to determine the potential for success of a proposed business venture.
The sample outline below can be used to help you make your study. However, not all feasibility studies are alike because it depends to the type of business venture analyzed and the market. The success of a feasibility study is based on the careful identification and evaluation of all of the important aspects for business success.
Description of the Project. Identify the list of product(s) or services(s) to be marketed and the general business model such as how the business will make money. Include the technical processes, size, location and kind of inputs. Also know the economic and social impact on local communities as well as environmental impact on the surrounding area.
Market Feasibility. Determine the industry description, industry competitiveness, market potential, sale projection and the access to market outlets.
Technical Feasibility. Find out the facility needs, suitability of production technology, availability and suitability of site, raw materials and others such as labor availability and qualified management personnel.
Financial Feasibility. Include the estimation of total capital requirements, equity and credit needs, budget expected costs and returns of various alternatives
Management Feasibility. Identify the business structure and business founders.
Conclusion. Include information that will be used for decision making whether to proceed the proposed business ventures.