Kinds of Feasibility Study

Feasibility study is written as an evaluation to determine if the proposed project is feasible. It will assist and find out the probable market for the products as well as probable income.

  1. Real Estate Feasibility Study – It includes the testing of geographic location for real estate development project.
  2. Technology Feasibility Study – It is necessary to know if the techl be supkinds of feasibility studyported by the new system or new project.Legal Feasibility Study – Inology needed for the project is available or exists.
  3. Market Feasibility Study – It isthe study of market studies in certain location such as the demands of the customer or client.
  4. Resource Feasibility Study – It study how much time is available to complete the project or build a new system as well as the type and amount of resources needed.
  5. Operational Feasibility Study – It is include the work practices and procedure if the current organization wilt is to know if a proposed project has a conflict to legal requirements.
  6. Cultural Feasibility Study – The proposed project should be evaluated for the impact on legal and general culture.
  7. Economic Feasibility Study – It is to determine if the proposed project is profitabke.