Dengue Prevention Project Proposal

I.  Activity: Dengue Prevention through Residual Spraying
Venue: PSU campus
Beneficiaries: PSU Students and Employees

II. Proposed Date:  May 05, and 6, 2011

III. Background Rationale:

Records of Dengue cases admitted at the different local hospitals showed that a remarkable number of such cases come from Nueva Ecija.  So we must take the necessary precautions and actions to prevent Dengue from spreading in our campus.
Residual Spraying is one of the means in the prevention and control of spread of the carrier mosquitoes.

IV. Objective

– To prevent the spread of dengue cases in all our campuses.

V. Description

– Activity
Residual spraying of all classrooms, offices, workshops, grounds and facilities

Schedule of spraying is on May 5, and  6, 2011 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

VI. Estimated Budgetary Requirement

Deltamax 2.5 WP (Php550 x 120 sachets)   Php 66,000.00
Equipment and Labor Cost – Php 12,000.00
Food and Snacks    – Php 1,500.00
TOTAL – Php 79,500.00

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ross Ann Carlos
Nurse III