Proposal Training Program

A Proposal Training Program in Consumer Behavior for the Employees of ABC Corporation

I.    Rationale

A.    Situation of marketing in relation to consumer behavior
B.    Existing problem of marketing about consumer behavior
C.    Factors that affects consumer behavior

1.    Internal Factors
(a)    Perception
(b)    Motivation
(c)    Learning
(d)    Attitudes
(e)    Personality

2.    Social Influences
(a)    Family
(b)    Reference
(c)    Social Class
(d)    Culture and subculture

D.    Contributions of the behavioral sciences to marketing.

E.    Aim/Purpose of the proposed training program on consumer behavior

II.    General Objectives

  • to have a better understanding and knowledge regarding consumer behavior, its concepts, dynamics and implications that are useful in formation, production, innovation of products for the advancement of the corporation.

III.    Specific Objectives

  • to identify and explain the complexities and dynamics of buyer behavior.
  • to apply these knowledge in marketing decision making and sales training procedure.
  • to critically evaluate business decisions from behavioral science perspective.
  • to enhance important skills set including analytical and critical thinking in producing products in the market.
  • to individuality and collectively analyze and solve complex marketing problem with an emphasis to consumer behavior.
  • to know the concepts and implications of consumers in order to produce a new technique or strategies in marketing.

IV.    Strategies and Methodologies

A.    Planning Phase

  1. Selecting of some employees from marketing department who will serve as a participant in the training program.
  2. Pre evaluate of the employees status and understanding on consumer behavior.
  3. Orientation of the employees for the training program.

B.    Implementation

  1. Presentation of lectures, seminars, and workshop regarding consumer behavior.
  2. Application of the learning in the marketing.
  3. Post evaluation of performance of the employees after one month.

V.    Workplan

VI.    Budgetary Requirements