Things to Consider in Writing a Project Proposal

–    Introduction. Gives the overview of the proposal and answer what the proposal is about. Briefly describe the project without too much detail.

–    Problem Statement. Clearly identified the problem and convince the audience or reader that the problem is important and call possible solutions.

–    Objectives. Explain what the project seeks to achieve.  The reader or audience need to know the outcome to expect from the proposal.  Describe the goals of the project, and the tangible changes to be take place. Make sure that your objectives will directly address to the problems identified in the previous section.

–    Methods. Enumerate the procedures to be used to achieve the goals of the project.  Present the audience an effective means of achieving the stated objectives.

–    Resources. Show the resources and show how they will be used to complete the project in terms of money and facilities.

–    Schedule. Set a timetable to complete the project on time.

–    Qualifications. It is important to show the experience and capabilities of the person involved in the project such as the qualifications of each member.

–    Cost/Benefit Analysis. Include the brief statement of benefits versus project costs. Present financial data that could convince your audience that the expected benefits outweigh the costs.

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